A complete Resource center for brain injury victims

How to Use This Site

Brain Injury 911™ is a good place to start learning about brain injury so you can discuss important questions and observations about your symptoms and treatment with your medical doctor, psychologist and therapists.  We also provide links to many website about brain injury information, treatment, support groups, etc.

After reading about brain injury here or elsewhere, you should discuss your questions and observations with your medical professionals.  You should not make any decisions, including deciding not to consult with a medical professional, or rely upon any information on Brain Injury 911™ or other web sites we provide links to without consulting your medical doctor.

Again, it is important that you understand the information you read here or anywhere else should only be used to provide a basis of understanding and to help you interact better with your medical professionals and make more informed decisions.  No information here or on any other website should be used to diagnose brain injury symptoms or make a decision on how to treat a brain injury or brain disease.

We also provide a directory listing of brain injury treatment centers; medical doctors such as neurosurgeons, neurologists and psychiatrists; doctors such as neuropsychologists and psychologists; therapists; and support groups. We have not evaluated any of the facilities or professionals listed in the directory and did not make any representations as to their experience or quality of work.

Brain Injury 911™ is not responsible for the content on web sites we provide links to. The information and resources on Brain Injury 911™ is for general educational purposes only.

Main Sections of the Brain Injury 911™ Web Site

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